Las Vegas Speaker

Las Vegas Experienced Motivational and Leadership Speaker

David Snow is an experienced Las Vegas motivational and leadership speaker who has been recruited by both large organizations and small companies to speak to their executive leaders and supporting staff in an effort to boost their skill sets and their vision of what goals they should be striving for and how to achieve them. He has experienced rave reviews from virtually all companies he has worked with in regards to their executives and supporting staff having better foresight and vision of setting and achieving higher goals. This, in turn, has benefited these companies by enabling them to reach new heights.

Yes, David is an Author Too!

In his book, “Peak Persistence,” David explores why resilience is key to long-term success and how to develop that type of resilience within yourself. In order to develop that type of resilience, you must have the motivation to reach your goal, the persistence to continue going after it even when unexpected difficulties arise, and the adaptability to adjust your plan and approach to overcome these unexpected challenges. David provides several strategies and methods in order to hone your skills in motivating yourself, keeping that morale up when the going gets tough, and improving your ability to adapt to your situation when unexpected difficulties take place.

Surprise - David is Also a Summit Climber!

Believe it or not, David is also a summit climber! Yes, he has climbed some of the highest mountains in the world, often referred to as the seven summits of the world, being that each of those seven summits is the highest mountain on each respective continent. One of those is Mount Everest, which he has climbed twice. Another notable achievement by David is that he has climbed all seven of those summits within just an eight-year time span; the few others who have climbed those same seven summits usually take much longer to do it, whereas David has done it in less than one decade.

He has utilized his passion for climbing to build several successful adventure travel businesses across several different countries, including Tanzania, Nepal, and more.


David Snow has developed partnerships in Tanzania, Nepal, and Mexico with adventure travel companies in an effort to boost their businesses through better marketing and promotion. He has helped to turn these companies into some of the most profitable and successful companies in those respective countries. He has built great friendships with the communities in those respective countries and is always striving to give back to those communities.

There are both large and small companies that have worked with David in order to improve the leadership and focus of their executives and support staff. Some of these companies include Workday, RainFocus, Liahona Academy, Cafe Zupas, and Tenzing Partners.

When David organizes an expedition to scale one of the summits, he has to meticulously plan for every detail of the trip, as well as prepare for every contingency that could occur on that trip. This meticulous attention to detail allows him to see the “big picture” when it comes to an organization, the goals they want to achieve, and the challenges that stand in their way.

Even with all of that expedition planning and attention to detail, there are unexpected circumstances that arise, forcing David to be able to quickly adapt and respond to his environment. This also serves David in helping organizations to counter any unforeseen challenges that may develop when attempting to achieve their desired goals. David helps these organizations to develop strategies and responses to unforeseen challenges and circumstances that can occur when an organization takes action toward their desired goals.

Contact us to learn more about David and to book him for your next motivational engagement or summit adventure.

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