From David’s impact-full takeaways that leave memorable impressions, to experiences that take you across the globe and even high above it.

Why Book David Snow?

An accomplished high altitude leader, David has ascended rarefied air in business and across the worlds highest peaks. With applicable takeaways from high-stress situations, and as operator of adventure travel companies across the globe, he provides proper perspective with leaders through tailored presentations on real leadership and persisting through any obstacle. He invigorates audiences with realistic views on success, failure, and creating and leaning on dynamic teams to reach your summits.

Around the Corner to across the World

From Fortune 500 companies to local communities, David has shared his experiences of business and adventures to audiences everywhere. His humor, tragedy and triumphs provide an unforgettable event.

Lessons from the Summit



Our evolving process of letting go of blame and excuses in order to promote personal growth, improve relationships, and create a more positive and taking 100% accountability in

the demanding and unpredictable environment of mountaineering, individuals often encounter obstacles that test their physical and mental limits. Metaphorically, the “blame thrower” represents the tendency to allocate blame externally – on weather conditions, team members, equipment, or other factors – when faced with difficulties. However, experienced mountaineers understand that true growth and success come from self-accountability and adapting to circumstances. To “extinguish the blame thrower” is to recognize that external factors can be uncontrollable, and the key to overcoming challenges lies in personal resilience, adaptability, and collaboration. By acknowledging one’s role in the journey and focusing on proactive problem-solving, mountaineers can foster a more positive and constructive mindset, increasing their chances of success and safety in the face of adversity.


A rope team in mountaineering as in life, can applied to the idea of the top five people we surround ourselves with to successfully navigate the crevasses of life, each member relying on the others to

navigate treacherous terrain, provide support, and prevent falls. The rope team functions as a cohesive unit, with each individual’s actions directly impacting the entire group’s progress. The strongest climbers take the lead, breaking the trail and setting the pace, while those following provide additional stability and assistance. Similarly, the concept of surrounding oneself with the right people in life draws parallels to the rope team approach. The top five individuals we choose to associate with significantly influence our journey towards success. These individuals may include mentors, friends, and colleagues who offer support, guidance, and different perspectives. Just as a rope team’s synergy is essential for reaching the summit, our personal “rope team” plays a crucial role in propelling us forward, helping us navigate challenges, and ultimately contributing to our overall success and well-being.


Unexpected gusts will come. Relentless forces of nature that challenge our every step. Much like these gusts that threaten to sweep us off course, life itself presents unforeseen obstacles that demand resilience and

similar to how climbers adjust their body position to maintain balance against strong winds, LEAN IN involves embracing difficulties, making calculated decisions, and leveraging acquired skills to effectively respond to sudden changes in weather, terrain, or circumstances. These gusts symbolize the unexpected obstacles and uncertainties we all face during our ascent, urging us to harness determination, resilience, and a growth mindset as they strive to reach our summits of life.

Be where your feet are


Extending beyond where you place your crampon points, this key principle of being present in an ever distracting world that pulls from every direction, the critical importance

of focusing one’s attention on the immediate surroundings and actions, especially during challenging and potentially dangerous situations. When climbing a mountain, each step requires deliberate intention and attention; the terrain, weather conditions, and equipment demand constant vigilance. By adhering to the principle of “be where your feet are,” mountaineers prioritize the present moment, minimizing distractions and avoiding potential hazards. This heightened awareness enhances safety, decision-making, and overall performance, enabling climbers to navigate the mountain’s complexities with greater precision and resilience.

High fie


Taking a moment, five times a day, five breaths of five in and five out, similar to how mountaineers pace their ascent to conserve their energy and reach the summit safely,

this practice allows us to pause, inhale purposefully, and exhale stress, climbing the mountain of daily challenges with renewed clarity and vitality. Just as each step in mountaineering represents progress towards the peak, each conscious breath taken in this practice signifies a step towards inner balance and mental well-being.



Just as a mountaineer meticulously plans each step of their ascent, considering the terrain, weather, and resources, approaching each day with purpose involves thoughtful preparation 

and a clear vision of goals. Just as climbers acclimatize and adjust their strategy based on real-time conditions, we must adapt and stay focused amidst the challenges and uncertainties of daily life. The journey to success, whether reaching the summit or achieving personal ambitions, demands deliberate actions, resilience, begins by taking a moment before each climb and setting your intention.


David works closely with the company leadership and event planners and with pre-event conversations identifying and customizing each keynote to reflect the needs of each organization.


BD Medical Technolodgy

Thank you once again for coming and delivering your message. I have gotten many compliments that you have been the favorite speaker ever to come to our event and many people have been talking about you all day yesterday and today. Thanks for sharing your expertise and inspiring all of us.

BD Medical Technology
American Express

We are so thankful for your help and message. I'm still getting great feedback from our folks, many have said that you're the best keynote speaker we've ever had.

American Express

How refreshing to hear failures and successes not only in the mountains but with your businesses. Incredible journey--inspired our teams to reach beyond our professional and personal lives.

Security National
Security National

We had the jaw dropping pleasure of hearing David speak to our company. Not every day you get to hear from someone who has sat on the summit of Everest — and plenty of other highest mountains in the world. David taught us it's all about the people you meet, the relationships you make and who's with you at the top. One of the most compelling presentations we’ve heard.


From his first words to last, David energized our team by breaking through limits and adapting to whatever the environment throws as you. It's all about that moving past those limiting steps!


Dave blew everyone away. It was amazing. I've hired and sat through a lot of speakers and this was top notch. I almost got emotional at one point and I DON'T get emotional!

Alder Security
Alder Security

Thanks for presenting to our leadership team. Just to let you know you got voted best guest speaker of all-time! Everyone really enjoyed your insights, you nailed it.

Cafe Zupas

We can't wait to have our other Chapters hear from you! Absolutely amazing.

Young Presidents Organization
Young President Organization

Your message hit home, our group really enjoyed it. We're ready to take our next step!

Savage Logistics

PLEASE refer anyone looking for a versatile keynote that can hit any area and department! Perfect!

Savage Logistics

You killed it and your message couldn't have been any more perfect for what we are doing. We've been wanting to hear your keynote for a while and it was even better than we imagined. You're a stud! Thanks

Tenzing Partners
Tenzing Partners

It's not easy getting over 1,000 financial advisors totally captive from the first minute to the last, very motivating and inspiring. Thank you for sharing your stories

Transamerica Financial Advisors

Our Educators and Students all agreed this was by far the most captivating and engaging guest speaker we have brought in for our annual retreat. Thanks again!

Liahona Academy
Liahona Academy

I still have staff members come up to me two weeks later telling me this was their favorite speaker at our annual Summit event. Thanks again!

LiveView Technologies
Observe Point

David Snow is a phenomenal speaker! I recently hired him for a corporate event and I was blown away by his stage presence. Not only is his story incredible, but his delivery is extremely captivating. I think everyone in the room felt motivated by his message. I highly recommend David!

Observe Point

Our Exec Team from six countries were all inspired and lots of talk about your presentation throughout the rest of our week of meeting. Once again, thank you for accommodating and inspiring us.

Trio Veterans Program

On behalf of myself and the TRIO Veterans Team we would first like to thank you for your presentation. Thank you for presenting that as we take one step, we are choosing to help create a pathway for our lives. Additionally, your visual representation of who is on our rope team, and how at times we can lean into others strengths was inspiring.

TRIO Veterans Program

Wow!!!! David, what an amazing story, you knocked it out of the park! THANKYOU, THANKYOU THANKYOU for coming! We loved everything you shared and we are so grateful for the time and energy and love that your message brought into our lives!

Les Olson Company

We appreciate you attending our Sales Awards Event. You were so great to have there! You created such a great atmosphere and kept everyone engaged from beginning to end! You were able to tie our theme of the year not only to your passion but to our sales department’s day to day life. You made people laugh, cry and feel every emotion in between but left people feeling motivated and ready to take on hard things by the end. We appreciate your professionalism, attitude, and kindness. We are glad you could speak at our event David Dai! Take care and thank you again!

Les Olson Company
Bank Of Montreal

I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to David for his awe-inspiring motivational presentation delivered to our vast audience of 10,000 employees spanning five different time zones at Bank of Montreal. His ability to captivate and uplift us all was truly remarkable, as he seamlessly intertwined insightful wisdom with practical guidance, and determination within each of us. We are immensely thankful for his invaluable contribution to our journey of growth and success.

Bank of Montreal

Thanks for your message! Our teams from Asia, Africa, South America, US and Canada ALL enjoyed your take aways, igniting our team's passion and drive to new heights😉!

VUMI International

Nothing but great things from our team of over 200 at our Home Mag event. Setting the perfect tone and inspiring us with real examples we all can apply. Thanks again!

Home Mag Media

This was the first time during our 3 day event that not a single person was on their phone or laptop. Totally engaged your entire presentation. Perfect close to our conference!

Off Leash K9

During our kick-off meeting, David's inspiring presentation on 'Stronger Together' captivated us all, emphasizing the power of unity in our journey towards a healthier future.

Thrive Foods

David's keynote resonated profoundly with our 'Moving Mountains' theme, offering insights and inspiration that truly captured the essence of overcoming challenges and achieving continual changes our clerks face everyday.

Colorado Municipal Clerks Association

Thank you very much for yesterday's great keynote. Last night we took the group on a Bay cruise and I got a chance to ask at least 20 people about their thoughts on your presentation. Not one person was less than emotionally moved and inspired by you. The number one thing I kept hearing from them was how much they were impressed by your authenticity and storytelling. You definitely stirred some hearts and minds. Thank you again for being our first keynote speaker at our inaugural Summit and I look forward to the next opportunity to have you back. Feel free to list us as a very happy client. You can also use me as a point of contact if you need a reference for future gigs. Well done and take care

Westport Properties

As a former Geography teacher of 8 years, guidance counselor of 25 years, and lover of nature, hiking and the like, I was “all in” from the first picture of Everest on his slides. I ordered PEAK PERSISTENCE immediately following your presentation! I finished it in less than 3 days! As a guidance counselor at the high school, there were so many experiences noted in the book to relate to on a personal and professional level. Not only that, but I found many that I can share with my struggling students unwilling to take that next step with whatever their battles. I just wanted to send a quick note today to say thank you for sharing your experiences, failures and successes in your book (and for coming Texas). Thanks again for helping me set “new summits” each day.

Jackson Co. School District

We cannot thank you enough for your incredible presentation to our Texas leaders. I’m confident the team walked away with excellent takeaways for the year. I was personally also so moved by your talk and have a full page of notes. It was very impactful to have you there in person, and you made everything so easy. Our Director was thrilled with how everything turned out and also asked about your book for all our leaders. I also can’t wait to read it. Thank you again for everything!

Comcast Xfinity

Thank you for speaking to our group this year for our Year End Conference. You did a remarkable job! There has been overwhelming positive feedback, sentiment, and human connection to your story and your delivery is fantastic. If you ever need a reference, I am happy to provide one to you.


Thank you for your presentation across our division leaders. It resonated with each person I've spoken with. Thank you for an excellent presentation!

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals

Our Exec Team was in awe the entire journey, completely captivated, not something easy to do with this group! Thank you for sharing your experiences and notes from the mountains we can take to the 'low lands'


David was our keynote speaker for our Spring Conference. He gave an outstanding presentation. He has a talent for connecting with individuals on a profound level, instilling motivation, and empowering them to strive for greatness. He delivered an impactful message and it resonated with our attendees. I has so many people approach me after the conference to tell me he was their favorite and we have had exceptional speakers come to our conferences.


We so appreciate you coming and bringing your amazing work and life experiences. It was truly a highlight and inspired us all!

Producers Prospect

David's keynote at our ComplyAuto summit was truly inspiring and left a lasting impact on all attendees; we are immensely grateful for his captivating presentation

Comply Auto

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I heard comments the rest of the day about your incredible message. Thank you for setting the tone so perfectly and helping us kick-off a very successful event.

HUB International

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